206-262-1721 info@omaconstruction.com
Mon - Fri : 8:00am - 5:00pm


Works that attest to the quality and integrity of our service

Project details

Derby Creek Fish Passage

Project Description

This project provides for the improvement of Derby Creek from the North Shore Athletic Fields site to the Sammamish River confluence and improvements to the Sammamish River Trail in King County near the city of Woodinville. The project includes clearing and grubbing, grading and excavation, site balancing and backfill, surfacing materials, in-water work in Derby Creek and in Sammamish River, cofferdam in the Sammamish River, temporary stream bypass, paving with HMA, signage, pin piles and cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete culverts and associated headwalls and wingwalls, retaining wall, chain link fence, temporary traffic control, seeding, landscape and wetland planting, installation of temporary trail detour route, removal of temporary trail, erosion/water pollution control and other works.




King County, Woodinville


North Shore Athletic Fields