206-262-1721 info@omaconstruction.com
Mon - Fri : 8:00am - 5:00pm


Works that attest to the quality and integrity of our service

City of Issaquah Project No. ST006 Lower Issaquah Creek Stream and Riparian Habitat Enhancement Project

Lower Issaquah Creek Stream and Riparian Habitat Enhancement Project

Project Description

Excavating side and backwater channels and placement of large woody debris, streambed gravel and restoration plantings along the right bank of Issaquah Creek between SE 62nd St. and SE 60th St. Reason for Project: Create new habitats for Salmon.


July, 2022


City of Issaquah


Lower Issaquah Creek, Issaquah, WA

Services Rendered:

Creek Remediation, Mass Excavation, Log Structures Installation.