206-262-1721 info@omaconstruction.com
Mon - Fri : 8:00am - 5:00pm


Works that attest to the quality and integrity of our service

Project details

E360 Redmond to Bellevue Link

Project Description

The project consists of the following major elements:
• 1.8 miles of double-track aerial, at-grade, retained cut and retained fill light rail guideway.
• Two at-grade stations; one at the Overlake Village site and one at the Overlake Transit Center
site. Each will include a pedestrian bridge (owned by the City of Redmond) over SR 520 to
connect with developed commercial areas. At each station, work will include an entry plaza and
passenger drop-off facilities. At the Overlake Transit Center Station, the Project will construct a
new parking garage, leased office space and transit facilities for buses and private shuttles.

• Facility accommodations consisting of site development, civil/systems elements such as
conduits, ductbanks, traction power substation foundations, and overhead contact system

• Roadway work, sidewalk construction, urban improvements and landscaping.

• Utility work including relocations, work with private and public utility owners including water,
storm, sanitary, fiber optic, cable tv, phone and storm water infiltration and detention facilities.


Dec 2020


Kiewit / Hoffman, JV


Redmond, WA